Friday, October 01, 2010

year of camera-trapping

About a year ago I was inspired to buy a trail camera. Blogs like Camera Trap Codger really inspired and excited me. He gets really great photos with 'homebrew' cameras that are built with certain models of digital cameras. Because I didn't want to jump into that right away I decided to buy a camera and chose the Bushnell Trophy Cam. It was the talk of the internet forums at the time and I have been really happy with it. With a few minor exceptions there have been no issues with it at all. The best part is that it has been running for a year on the same set of batteries.

Using cameras helps answer questions. In the past I might see a track or sign and think about what it seems to be, but would never know for sure. Through the camera tracks come alive and you feel closer to particular spots, watching what and who might move through and interact with them over a period of time.

This is going to be a series of posts. Here are my first few camera sets which took place last fall:

unknown bird, maybe a solitaire?

first deer!

red coyote

porcupine tail?



Unknown said...

WOW, the bird and fox shots are way cool :D
And that crazy person, must be a rare species :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, those motion cameras are so neat.